Our e-newsletter is designed to keep you appraised of the work FOFA is doing to showcase, support and celebrate Oaxacan Artesanos, to announce our educational and fundraising events and to introduce you to the various members of our community who make this all possible. To learn more about our mission, please visit our website at http://www.fofa.us/about/mission
Below please find links to some of our past issues. Feel free to browse and if you are interested Join Our Mailing List. We hope you too, will join our exciting community!
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Friends of Oaxacan Folk Art (FOFA) proudly announces the judges for its 7th concurso (competition) for young folk artists from the state of Oaxaca. This year’s panel of judges features an esteemed group of five multi-talented professionals with deep roots in Oaxaca’s folk art traditions – as practicing artists, scholars, teachers and advocates.CALLING ALL YOUNG OAXACAN FOLK ARTISTS!
FOFA is announcing its seventh concurso (contest) for young folk artists who live and work in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. This year’s concurso will take place February 7 - 22, 2025, and its theme is “My Story In My Hands” (Mi Historia Entre Mis Manos). There is NO entry fee, and it’s open to artisans 35 years of age and younger.ALFONSO MARTÍNEZ MÉNDEZ: INSPIRING BLACK CLAY CERAMICIST (3/1/2024)
Alfonso grew up as a painter in San Juan Yaeé, a pueblo in the Sierra Norte some 5-6 hours from Oaxaca City. Currently 29 years old, he traveled alone at 15 to the Central Valleys surrounding Oaxaca City, feeling a “strong need to discover something new beyond the mountains…searching for other forms of expression.” Alfonso reflected, “I always wondered what would be beyond? Would there be something good for me?” Despite having moved far away from his pueblo of birth and not returned in many years, Alfonso maintains contact with his mother, sister and grandmother who occasionally visit him. Both his sister and mother attended the inauguration of the FOFA exhibition in February, 2023 in which Alfonso was honored.TWO-WAY LEARNING FOFA’S ENGLISH TUTORING PROGRAM (8/24/2023)
This autumn FOFA will launch its fourth round of online English tutoring in which we pair an English-speaking volunteer with a Oaxacan folk artist. The program is now under the dynamic leadership of FOFA volunteer Alejandra Maudet, a Mexican-Argentine residing in Reno, Nevada. A former school director and English as a Second Language (ESL) professional, Alejandra is excited to expand FOFA’s project. She leads zoom meetings for tutors, assembles helpful curriculum materials, and is creating a vocabulary reference guide specific to folk art genres. Alejandra began her FOFA work as a pandemic-era tutor, and then participated in Oaxaca in August 2022 as a competition winner interviewer.YOUNG OAXACAN ARTISTS GAIN INSIGHTS INTO THEIR CULTURAL ROOTS (7/19/2023)
A group of Oaxacan artesanos who recently won prizes and honorable mentions at FOFA’s 6th juried competition for young folk artists has just completed a course exploring the cultural history of Oaxaca. Titled “Elements of the Iconography of the Original Peoples of Oaxaca and their Symbolism,” the three-month course combined lectures that took place at MEAPO (The Oaxaca State Museum of Popular Art) and field trips to important archeological sites and arts institutions in and near Oaxaca city.FOFA IS CELEBRATING 15 YEARS! (6/1/23)
Thank you for your dedication and time; for supporting us with workshops and courses; and for dignifying our work as craftspeople.FOFA’s FOUNDER ARDEN AIBEL ROTHSTEIN STEPS DOWN AS PRESIDENT (3/24/23)
Arden Aibel Rothstein, the founder and 15-year President of FOFA, has stepped down from her central leadership position, but thankfully will remain on FOFA’s Board of Directors. Her decision was announced at the February 4th exhibition opening and catalog presentation at the Museo Estatal de Arte Popular Oaxaca (MEAPO) in Oaxaca featuring winners and their pieces from FOFA-MEAPO’s August, 2022 Sixth Young Artists’ competition. Amy Mulvihill, who has been FOFA’s Vice President, is President of the organization on an interim basis, working closely with Margee Rogers, who is Chair of the FOFA Board of Directors. Deborah Huntington will continue as Treasurer, and Karen Collins as Secretary.FOFA INAUGURATES ITS SIXTH YOUNG ARTISTS’ EXHIBITION AT MUSEO ESTATAL DE ARTE POPULAR OAXACA (MEAPO) (2/23/2023)
On Saturday, February 4th FOFA and the Oaxacan folk art museum MEAPO inaugurated a lively exhibition, “Finding Hope Through Art/Encontrando esperanza a través del arte.” This was our sixth young artist exhibition, featuring 63 winning pieces from the competition that took place in August, 2022. This celebratory event included the presentation of a 100-page full-color exhibition catalog introducing each artist and their winning piece, as well as background information about the piece and contact information to help potential clients locate the artist.FOFA is Off to a Great Start in 2023 (1/21/2023)
We are enormously grateful for the ongoing support of our community of donors and volunteers. In 2022 nearly 100 donors underwrote FOFA’s work, 90% of whom gave $250 or less. Our donors are spread across the country, united by a shared love for the creativity and kindness they experienced in Oaxaca. About 30 people, almost all of them volunteers, donated their labor and time to make our August 2022 young artist competition a great success. FOFA’s work is making a distinct difference in the lives of the artists with whom we work, and this is made possible by your support. Thank you!FOFA Honors the Life and Work of Isaac Vásquez García (12/21/2022)
It is with great sadness that FOFA announces the loss of a giant in the art of tapete weaving.MEET THE WINNERS OF FOFA-MEAPO’S 6TH YOUNG ARTISTS’ COMPETITION! (10/25/2022)
FOFA sponsored its sixth young folk artist competition in August in Oaxaca, with the theme “Finding Hope Through Art.” A total of 115 artists participated, providing our four judges with the extremely difficult task of selecting a first, second and third place winner in each of our six categories of art. In several cases there were point level ties, so multiple prizes were awarded. Below we proudly introduce the 22 winners, with the artists’ comments about the relationship of their pieces to the contest theme, and observations by FOFA volunteers about their work. Watch for our new catalog (late January 2022) featuring these artists and the 43 others who won Honorable Mention.INTRODUCING THE JUDGES (7/4/2022)
FOFA Prepares to Return to Oaxaca Next Month for our 6th Young Folk Artists’ Competition “FINDING HOPE THROUGH ART” — We are thrilled to welcome an outstanding panel of five judges who will review the submissions for our upcoming folk art competition in Oaxaca, “Encontrando Esperanza a Través del Arte” (Finding Hope Through Art). Due to pandemic delays, this will be FOFA’s first concurso in four years, and we expect an unusually robust turnout. Our judges, who volunteer their time and travel expenses, will be responsible for selecting the winners and honorable mentions.BEHIND THE SCENES: PREPARATIONS FOR A FOFA-MEAPO CONCURSO (5/2/2022)
FOFA-MEAPO’s 6th young folk artist competition will take place in August, 2022 and the exhibition featuring its winning pieces will open in February, 2023. Most people become aware of our contests when we inaugurate the exhibition and present the professional catalog featuring winning artists and their pieces. They do not realize that these public events are the product of many people’s labor over more than a year’s time. To convey what’s involved behind the scenes in preparing for a concurso, we draw on memories and photos of our five prior competitions (2008, 2011, 2014, 2016, and 2018).SIX PART MEXICAN FOLK ART ONLINE LECTURE SERIES
Marta Turok is a FOFA Advisory Board member, expert judge in all five FOFA-MEAPO young artist contests, and applied anthropologist specializing in Mexican folk art and socio-economic development. She is head of the Ruth D. Lechuga Center for Folk Art Studies at the Franz Mayer Museum in Mexico City.THE MAGIC OF INSTAGRAM (4/1/2022)
Instagram has been key to FOFA’s efforts to help artesanos weather the pandemic. Otto Piron (@ottopiron_photos) -- our Instagram consultant and photographer of FOFA’s 2013, 2016 and 2018 catalogs – nurtured what was a near non-entity of 15 posts and 115 followers in June, 2020 into a flourishing enterprise in mid-March, 2022 of 579 posts and over 3460 followers, and still counting.GIOVANNI MELCHOR RAMOS (3/1/2022)
Giovanni Melchor Ramos -- recipient of honorable mention in decorative painting of woodcarving in FOFA-MEAPO competitions for young artists in 2013, 2016 and 2018 – is a woodcarver from San Martín Tilcajete who decoratively paints his own pieces, while also being a canvas painter and a draftsman.HECHO EN OAXACA (2/2/2022)
Lucille (Lucy) C. Atkin, PhD, a FOFA Advisory Board member who lives in San Pablo Etla, Oaxaca, consults on projects that work towards gender equity, sexual empowerment, and rights and sustainable development. Her passion for folk art led her to become involved with FOFA as an advisor. Here she reports on a new and as yet little known program to protect the authenticity and high quality of Oaxaca’s extraordinary folk arts.NEW CHALLENGES, NEW SOLUTIONS (1/7/2022)
With limitless energy and a hearty spirit of adventure, the dynamic duo who are the instructors of FOFA’s remote sales workshops -- Lorena de la Piedra Ordaz and Diego Morales Toledo -- recently voyaged to Oaxaca’s coast to offer in-person workshops in online marketing to textile artists there.DAY OF THE DEAD EVENT AT ROCKEFELLER CENTER IN NEW YORK CITY (10/27/2021)
Friday, October 22-Tuesday, November 2: Exhibition of two towering alebrijes (fantastical animal figures) from the workshop of Jacobo and María Angeles of San Martín Tilcajete, Oaxaca and Huichol bead-decorated Catrinas
Friday, October 29-Sunday, October 31: Tianguis (open air folk art market)“OAXACA IN NEW YORK”: A GRAND SUCCESS! (10/26/2021)
What a thrill it was to encounter the art and tastes of Oaxaca in a corner of Brooklyn during a sunny week in late September. The online and brick-and-mortar store “This is Latin America” (thisislatinamerica.com) turned its new storefront near the Manhattan Bridge into a showcase of fine Oaxacan folk art, mezcal tasting and regional tamales. One of the two young Mexican entrepreneurs who launched TILA in 2019, Hector García and Miguel Corona, were the creative minds behind “Oaxaca in New York.”STAYING HOME DURING THE PANDEMIC (8/13/2021)
One of the largest non-profit foundations in Mexico is the Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú Oaxaca (FAHHO), devoted to advancing the quality of Mexican life through grants for education, culture, sports, health, small-scale enterprise and environmental stewardship. Only one month after the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Mexico, FAHHO suspended all its activities for the public, as did all institutions affiliated with it.ALFONSO CANSECO PELIGRO: A FOLK ARTIST WHO CROSSES BOUNDARIES AND DISCIPLINES (7/13/2021)
FOFA met Alfonso Canseco Peligro (Pérez) when he participated in FOFA-MEAPO’s fourth contest for young artists in 2016, winning honorable mention with his whimsical “Ferris Wheel” constructed of bamboo and corn husk, sewn together with mesquite tree resin thread. Now 35 years old and a winner of many awards, he lives and works in his hometown of San Antonino Castillo Velasco.KEEPING A 1000-YEAR-OLD DYEING TRADITION ALIVE: 38 YEARS AND COUNTING (6/4/2021)
Many of you are familiar with the beauty of textiles created from violet-toned threads woven by women of the Oaxacan coastal villages of Pinotepa de Don Luis and neighboring San Juan Colorado. After buying skeins from local indigenous dyers, they turn them into traditional wrap-around skirts (posahuancos) and blouses (huipiles) for their own use, as well as highly appreciated collectors’ pieces. But few people know that the dyeing technique goes back a thousand years and, but for the urgent efforts of a handful of people, could disappear in a few decades.ARTESANOS COLLABORATE WITH THEIR ENGLISH TUTORS REMOTELY (5/6/2021)
In the fall of 2019 FOFA established an English-language tutoring partnership with the Oaxaca Lending Library (OLL, www.oaxlibrary.org ) to help FOFA’s young artists improve their communication skills with potential customers. Shortly before the pandemic hit, Suzanne and Fay helped organize and orient a second wave of tutors. Since in-person lessons became impossible, these OLL tutors re-grouped to offer tutoring online, joined by several FOFA board members and volunteers. Twelve pairings of tutors and artists have worked together remotely since January, with most ongoing still. We share three tutors’ portrayals of their enriching collaborations.THE LAUNCH AND EVOLUTION OF A FOLK ARTIST (4/1/2021)
Working in Corn Husk to Celebrate Daily Oaxacan Life.INVENTING NEW WHEELS (2/25/2021)
FOFA ASSISTS OAXACAN FOLK ARTISTS IN LEARNING TO SELL REMOTELY: As the enormity of the pandemic’s toll on Oaxacan folk artists’ economic prospects became clear, FOFA created courses in selling artwork remotely. Thanks to a generous grant by board member Bill Scanlan of San Antonio, long-time collector of Oaxacan folk art, FOFA has twice offered an approximately 8-week course online to 138 awardees of our five young artists’ contests between 2008 and 2018.HEARTY THANKS AND WISHES FOR GOOD HEALTH FROM FOFA (12/23/2020)
We send our hearty thanks and wishes for good health in the New Year to our supporters. In celebration of your generosity, we transport you to Oaxaca by sharing images of an inspiring Oaxacan custom – Night of the Radishes -- that takes place at the beginning of the holiday season.NEW PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN FOFA and “THIS IS LATIN AMERICA” (12/9/2020)
FOFA is pleased to announce our partnership with Brooklyn-based Mexican entrepreneurs who have launched “This is Latin America,” an online and brick-and-mortar store selling handcrafted items from Mexico and points south. They share our love for the culture and folk art created by indigenous people in Mexico, and of course Oaxaca in particular (see their “Oaxaca Collection”). This new gallery reflects a deep respect for the talent of indigenous artists and a desire to contribute to the preservation of generations-old traditions by compensating artists fairly and giving attribution and recognition to the individuals who create extraordinary art.FOFA’S Projects in the Time of COVID-19: 2020-2021 (11/25/2020)
At this time of Thanksgiving, we’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you who’ve continued supporting us over the past year, which has been one of the most challenging since FOFA was founded.To meet the enormous hardships posed by the pandemic to the livelihoods and productivity of Oaxaca’s folk artists, FOFA has reinvented its programs, temporarily postponing many longstanding plans. As always, fundamental to our mission – preservation and promotion of the region’s inspiring artistic traditions -- is a focus upon the stewards of these traditions: Oaxaca’s talented young artists. We come to know them and their families in the juried competitions FOFA sponsors, which we follow up with valuable educational programs designed to enhance their artistic futures.
Adapting to the "NEW NORMAL" (9/23/2020)
COVID-19 has wrought changes large and small to communities the world over. For a majority of folk artists in Oaxaca, the collapse of tourism has had a calamitous impact on their livelihoods, since they rely primarily on selling their works to visiting tourists, collectors and gallery owners in their home workshops (talleres) or local artist cooperatives. The pandemic has effectively upended this traditional way of doing business.FOFA's Powerful Photographic Exhibition (7/23/2020)
"OAXACAN FOLK ARTISTS IN THE TIME OF COVID-19" Currently unfolding on Instagram TO BE PRESERVED IN A DIGITAL CATALOG ON THE FOFA WEBSITE FOFA's powerful exhibition, "Oaxacan Folk Artists in the Time of COVID-19," will be presented as a digital catalog on FOFA's website ( www.fofa.us) beginning this fall. "We are thrilled that 137 of the 165 invited artesanos participated in FOFA's online Instagram exhibition by sending us images and written descriptions of artwork that expressed their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic," said Arden Rothstein, president and founder of FOFA.FOFA Launches Grant Program (6/22/2020)
FOFA has launched its first of several programs to support Oaxacan folk artists who are facing tremendous financial hardships due to the global pandemic's severe impact on tourism. FOFA has invited all 165 winners and honorable mention recipients in its five young artists' competitions (2008, 2011, 2013, 2016 and 2018) to receive a grant of 3,000 Mexican pesos (approximately $140 USD at the current exchange rate) by participating in an online photographic exhibition of their work, entitled: "Oaxacan Artesanos in the Time of COVID."COVID-19 Update from Oaxaca (5/24/2020)
Throughout the years, FOFA has appreciated the ongoing support of people such as you in our mission to keep the rich cultural traditions of Oaxaca alive. You've "been there" for us. At this difficult time we hope that you and your loved ones have not been severely impacted by the pandemic that has turned all our lives upside down. Our hearts go out to any of you who have suffered a great loss.Three Talented Young Winners of FOFA's Concursos Awarded Prizes (1/31/2020)
In 2019, Mexico's National Fund for Culture and the Arts, FONCA, opened a new category within its Creative Youth awards program: Arts and Popular Traditions. This provided a new opportunity for three enormously creative winners of FOFA's past young artists competitions.
FOFA Artists Making A Big Impact With Small Works Of Art (11/25/2019)
When FOFA awarded Victor Bustamante Herrera "First Prize in Woodcarving" in our 2011 and 2013 young folk artist competitions, we did not know that we were also impacting a remarkable educational project he had helped to launch in his small town of Miahuatlán, a few hours south of the city of Oaxaca. With the goal of directing his art to community education, Victor had partnered with an established "miniaturist carver," Maestro Jesús Edel Bustamante Cruz, and several others, all of whom worked with the burly spines of pochotle trees and dried animal bones to render tiny, remarkable sculptures and tableaux.A Splendid Collaboration (10/16/2019)
Becoming a First, Second, Third place or Honorable Mention winner of the 2018 FOFA/MEAPO concurso (contest) was a thrilling moment for the young developing artists who participated. Receiving their award certificates and the cash prizes FOFA awards at the ceremony for winners and their families held at MEAPO, was a jubilant and moving experience for all. The awards ceremony, however, is only the first chapter of the ongoing support that FOFA regularly offers to concurso winners.FOFA'S 2019 Product Innovation Workshop (8/28/2019)
For 11+ years, FOFA has launched programs that encourage young Oaxacan folk artists (artesanos) to follow in their parents', grandparents', and earlier ancestors' creative footsteps. The cornerstone of FOFA's efforts has been five competitions (concursos) open to artists 30 years and younger, in conjunction with MEAPO (Museo Estatal de Arte Popular Oaxaca).A 500 Year Old Tradition Survives and Flourishes (5/10/2019)
In the early 1500's, Spanish authorities in Mexico sought new sources of revenue, following Cortez's conquest and subsequent looting of the gold and silver he found there. They recognized that the mulberry trees that they found native to Central Mexico might be conducive to raising silk worms. The first silk worm eggs imported by the Spanish arrived in Mexico in 1523.FOFA Membership Renewal 2019 (4/23/2019)
April is FOFA's membership renewal month. Your donations help us create programming to sustain and promote the folk art community in southern Mexico. The approximately 150 folk artists that FOFA works with are enormously grateful for all that we do.Celebrating FOFA's 2018 Prize-Winning Young Folk Artists (3/8/2019)
An exhibit featuring the 19 young Oaxacan folk artists who recently won 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in FOFA's (Friends of Oaxacan Folk Art) 2018 competition will open on March 15 at the Centro Cultural San Pablo, Oaxaca's premier venue dedicated to arts, education and culture.FOFA Exhibition Opens: "Showing the Strength of My People" (1/25/2019)
The new folk art exhibition Mostrando la Fuerza de Mi Pueblo (Showing the Strength of My People) opened on December 8 at the Museo Estatal de Arte Popular Oaxaca (MEAPO) in San Bartolo Coyotepec, Oaxaca. FOFA President Arden Rothstein, and Treasurer Deborah Huntington represented the organization at the opening celebration. The exhibition's sixty-six art pieces are the winners from FOFA-MEAPO's August 2018 competition.Join Us and Ring In the New Year (1/7/2019)
We greatly appreciate your tax-deductible contributions that make a BIG difference as we roll out our projects for 2019.2018 - A Banner Year for FOFA (12/22/2018)
The fifth FOFA catalog Mostrando la Fuerza de Mi Pueblo (Showing the Strength of My People), showcasing the wonderful work of the 66 winning entrants in our August, 2018 young folk artist competition in Oaxaca, has arrived just in time for the holidays!FOFA Brings Three Artists from Oaxaca for Museum of Natural History "Day of the Dead" Celebration (12/6/2018)
FOFA was invited to take part in the American Museum of Natural History's fabulous Día de los Muertos celebration, November 2-3.Showing the Strength of My People (10/18/2018)
In August, 11 FOFA volunteers from New York and California worked in Oaxaca with the staff of the Museo Estatal de Arte Popular de Oaxaca (MEAPO, State Museum for Oaxacan folk Art) to organize FOFA's 5th young artist folk art competition, "Showing the Strength of My People." Aimed at providing recognition to folk artists ages 30 and under, FOFA volunteers and MEAPO staff registered and interviewed the 132 artesanos who submitted their original (and remarkable) pieces for judging.FOFA’s Fifth Young Artists’ Competition: A Smashing Success (9/11/2018)
FOFA's 5th Young Folk Artists' Competition in August - in collaboration with Oaxaca State's Museum of Popular Art (Museo Estatal de Arte Popular Oaxaca, MEAPO) - was a smashing success in a variety of ways.New FOFA Catalog This Fall (6/11/2018)
FOFA and MEAPO are gearing up for the fifth Young Folk Artist Competition in Oaxaca in August, with the theme "The Strength of My People.FOFA/MEAPO's 5th Contest for Young Artists (5/11/2018)
The campaign to announce FOFA's 5th contest for young folk artists in August 2018 is underway. We introduce the five esteemed individuals who have graciously agreed to volunteer as judges in our upcoming 2018 contest.A Folk Art Collective Grows in a Oaxacan Town (4/19/2018)
The traditional folk art culture of Oaxaca's pueblos is at risk. As master artists age and die, many in the next generation are responding to the lure of the promise of more stable work, outside of the arts world, and sometimes even beyond Oaxaca.FOFA Announces its 5th Contest for Young Folk Artists (3/14/2018)
We are excited to let you know that our fifth young folk artist competition will take place in Oaxaca in August!Announcing FOFA's New Website (2/12/2018)
We are pleased to announce the launch of FOFA's new website! It is full of resources for visitors to Oaxaca and folk art lovers everywhere.FOFA Founder Arden Rothstein Honored (12/14/2017)
Please join FOFA in congratulating our president, Arden Rothstein, PhD, for being presented the 2017 Van Deren Coke prize in Fort Worth, Texas, by the national folk art group Los Amigos de Arte Popular (LADAP).Oaxaca in Park Slope (11/21/2017)
FOFA's 10th Anniversary CelebrationFOFA's 10th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION (9/27/2017)
With marimba, mezcal tasting, botanas, and folk art sale! Meet Oaxacan artist Francisco Hernández Pérez, collagist and jeweler.Celebrating 10 Years (8/12/2017)
FOFA's Support for Oaxacan Folk ArtistsFOFA's 10TH ANNIVERSARY! (4/21/2017)
Save-the-Date for our Celebratory Event in NYC: November 17th, 2017Oaxaca Woodcarver and Decorative Painter (2/17/2017)
Giovanni Melchor Ramos Influenced by SurrealismHonoring Our Roots, Exploring Our Dreams (12/19/2016)
Meet Jeweler Yesenia Yadira Salgado TéllezTextile Artist Recognized in Four FOFA Competitions Will Study In France! (10/5/2016)
Alberto Sánchez Martínez in 2016 ContestHonoring Our Roots, Exploring Our Dreams (9/6/2016)
Art competitions are occasions for delight, surprise, puzzlement, loud or suppressed cheers - and occasional sighs of disappointment.FOFA's Friend in Santa Ana, CA (4/8/2016)
FOFA is fortunate in its friends. Steve Thompson, California collector and gallerista, has made a splendid connection for young Oaxacan folk artists: at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, CA.FOFA Launches its 4th Contest (2/1/2016)
We are getting the news out - on radio spots, posters and postcards - in Oaxaca and a dozen surrounding craft pueblos: FOFA, in collaboration with the Oaxaca State Museum of Folk Art, is launching its 4th Contest for Young Folk Artists.When Artists Have Trouble Seeing - FOFA Offers Help (12/7/2015)
One group emphasized health issues that challenge the well-being of women whose crafts are visually challenging.New Skills for Oaxaca's Talented Young Folk Artists (5/20/2015)
Professionalism, as most artists know, isn't in the DNA. Professionalism is learned, slowly, often one skill at a time, and usually from a more advanced professional.Great Masters of Oaxacan Folk Art Event (2/18/2015)
Save the DateFebruary 2015 Newsletter (2/10/2015)
Exciting Update on Two-Time FOFA Contest Winner in CeramicsNovember 2014 Newsletter (11/5/2014)
Making Some Dreams Come TrueJuly 2014 Newsletter (7/16/2014)
Honoring Maricela GarcíaJune 2014 Newsletter (5/28/2014)
FOFA Received an Extraordinary BequestApril 2014 Newsletter (4/8/2014)
Young Artists in Search of Their Indigenous RootsFebruary 2014 Newsletter (2/8/2014)
FOFA 2013-2014 RetrospectiveNovember 2013 Newsletter (11/11/2013)
The robust response to FOFA-MEAPO's Third Contest for Young Folk Artists - with its theme "Celebrating Mother Earth: Inspiration for Oaxaca's Folk Arts"October 2013 E-news (10/10/2013)
FOFA board members often take a personal interest in the young artists who submit work to bi-annual contests sponsored in collaboration with Museo Estatal de Arte Popular Oaxaca.September 2013 E-news (9/16/2013)
Young Folk Artists at MEAPO: A Personal View of FOFA's 2013 Contest by Doris FriedensohnJuly 2013 E-news (7/9/2013)
FOFA is proud to have developed an outstanding partnership with the State Museum of Popular Art of Oaxaca.June 2013 E-news (6/8/2013)
An Initiative Inspired by Ceramicist Carlomagno Pedro Martínez.May 2013 E-news (5/3/2013)
FOFA's Third Young Artists' Contest: Exciting Innovations Made Possible by our Generous SponsorsApril 2013 E-news (4/5/2013)
Count me in! Oaxacan Artists and FOFA Board Member Collaborate on New Children's BookMarch 2013 E-newsletter (3/5/2013)
Meet Victor Javier Bustamante Herrera, A FOFA ArtistFebruary 2013 E-newsletter (2/8/2013)
Introducing FOFA'S 2013 Projects Made Possible by Your Generous SupportDecember 2012 E-newsletter (12/20/2012)
Thanks and Holiday Greetings from FOFAOctober 2012 E-newsletter (10/9/2012)
FOFA'S Board of Directors Discusses Folk Artists' Needs with Oaxaca's Governor, Lic. Gabino Cué and His StaffSeptember 2012 E-newsletter (9/14/2012)
FOFA'S ESTEEMED FRIEND AND SPIRITED SUPPORTER Carlos Manuel Sada Solana Consul General of Mexico in New YorkAugust 2012 E-newsletter (8/9/2012)
Folk Artists and Art: Emerging TrendsJune 2012 E-newsletter (6/20/2012)
FOFA Volunteers Teaching Artesanos English and Computer Skills